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From 5 August 2012 excise tax on petroleum products increased by 1.5 dinars per liter

August 7, 2012
August 8, 2024

From 5 August 2012 the excise tax on petroleum products - gasoline and diesel fuel increased by 1.5 dinars per liter in Serbia.

The Government of the Republic of Serbia at its session held on 03.08.2012. adopted a Decision on termination of the Decision on the temporary reduction of the amount of excise taxes on petroleum products under Article 9 Paragraph 1 items. 1) and 3) of the Law of Excise Tax ("Off. Gazette of RS", No. 43/12) (hereinafter the Decision). The Decision was published in "Off. Gazette of RS ", no. 76 of 04.08.2012. year, and shall apply from 5.6.2012. The adoption of the Decision practically means that the excise tax on gasoline and diesel fuel is increased by 1.5 dinars per liter, as was stipulated by the Law on Excise Tax ("Off. Gazette RS", no. 22/2001...101/2011 and 6 / 2012 - adjusted din. izn).

Type of petroleum product

Excise up to 04.08.2012. (rsd/lit)

Excise from 05.08.2012. (rsd/lit)

Increase of excise tax (rsd/lit)

Sve vrste motornog benzina




Sve vrste dizel - goriva




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