As per the laws in Serbia,pregnancy and maternity are regulated as follows:
- Sick leave because of the pregnancy – this sick leave is not compulsory, but the employee can take it if she doesn't feel well and is subject to delivered proper paper from the state doctor. The reimbursement of the salary is 100%
- for the first 30 days, it is a burden on the employer,
- from the 31st day, it is a burden of the Health Fund (the employer first has to pay the salary and later submit the request to be Health Fund for reimbursement). The employer needs to have a special purpose bank account for the refund of the sick leave.
- Maternity leave and childcare leave.
- This is compulsory leave.
- An employed woman is entitled to leave from work due to pregnancy and childbirth (hereinafter: maternity leave) as well as for nursing a child, in the total duration of 365 days.
- An employed woman is entitled to commence the maternity leave, based upon the opinion of a competent healthcare institution, at the earliest 45 days and at the latest 28 days before the expected delivery term.
- Maternity leave lasts until three months from childbirth.
- After the expiry of maternity leave, an employed woman is entitled to use leave from work for nursing a child, which shall last until the expiry of 365 days from the day of commencement of maternity leave.
- So, the total duration of maternity leave and childcare leave is 365 days. The whole period is paid by the Health Fund.
- Childcare leave because of the special needs of the child.
- This is not compulsory leave. Usually lasts for a couple of additional months.
- The whole period is paid by the Health Fund.
For all periods of sick leave because of pregnancy and maternity leave (with childcare leave) and leave because of special childcare leave, the employer cannot dismiss the employee.