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Reduced excise duty on oil derivatives by 1.5 RSD per liter

May 5, 2012
August 8, 2024

The Serbian government has adopted a Decision on the temporary reduction of the amount of excise tax on oil derivatives from Art. 9 st. 1 t. 1 and 3 of the Law on Excise Tax (”Official Gazette of RS” no. 22/2001, ..., 6/2012) because of the increasing price of crude oil on world markets.

The Decision reduced the amount of excise tax on all types of motor gasoline for 1.50 din / l, and for all types of diesel fuel for 1.50 din / l.

Excise tax on all types of motor gasoline was reduced from 49.60 din / l at 48.10 RSD / l, while the excise tax for all types of diesel fuel was reduced from 37.07 to 35.57 RSD / l.

The Decision has been published in "Official Gazette of RS", no. 43 of 30.04.2012. and entered into force on 01.05.2012. Decision doen not define the period in which the excise tax is temporarily reduced.

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